Dr. Vickie L. VanHurley

"Branding is easy. You have to know who you are, how your product or service solves a problem, and be consistent with delivering those messages."

~ Dr. Vickie VanHurley,
The Design Doc

Dr. Vickie has over 30 years of experience as a creative branding professional in the marketing and packaging industry and a professor in higher education. She has a passion for sharing the power and practices of branding with aspiring professionals and seasoned practitioners.

Dr. Vickie is passionate about the relationship between packaging and the consumer. She incorporates shopping behavior research into every branding solution.

She believes branding is the key to a successful business and quality branding information should be available to everyone!

Dr. Vickie is an accomplished branding expert, educator, author, conference speaker, and artist.

Gallery: Professional Work

Start branding like a pro today the Bootstrap Branding way!

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